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Why is My Child Struggling
With Reading?

Reading struggles impact every area of learning and life. Over a six-year period, 2,112 children and adults came to BrainRx with dyslexia and/or reading struggles. We measured the cognitive performance of these clients before brain training, and again after brain training, paying special attention to the cognitive skills associated with auditory processing, since weak auditory processing is at the root of 85% of reading struggles.


Here’s what we learned:

• Among 2,112 clients who came to us with reading struggles and/or dyslexia, the mean age was 11.9 years, and the largest gains were seen in auditory processing, IQ, long-term memory, and broad attention.
• Auditory processing skills improved an average of 27 percentile points following BrainRx brain training.
• The average gain in age-equivalent cognitive skill performance was 3.6 years.
• IQ scores improved by an average of 13 standard points after BrainRx brain training.

Most reading struggles are caused by the same cognitive weakness.

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  • Struggle to comprehend what they've read?


  • Frequently make spelling mistakes?


  • Read slowly?​​

  • Have difficulty sounding out new words?


  • Confuse similar sounds or letters? (i.e. p, d, b, q)​

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If you answered "yes" to most questions,
don't worry. The first step is easy, and we can help.

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